Gary Fields

Séminaires thématiques
Development and political economy seminar

Gary Fields

University of Cornell
Panel income changes and changing relative income inequality
Co-écrit avec
Robert Duval Hernández, George Jakubson

Château Lafarge

Château Lafarge - Salle de séminaires
Château Lafarge
Route des Milles
13290 Les Milles
Vendredi 30 septembre 2016| 12:00 - 13:15

Timothée Demont : timothee.demont[at]
Alice Fabre : alice.fabre[at]


When economic growth (or economic decline) takes place, who benefits and who is hurt how much? The more traditional way of answering this question is to compare two or more comparable cross sections and gauge changing income inequality among countries or individuals. A newer way is to utilize data on a panel of countries or a panel of people and assess the pattern of panel income changes. How do these two approaches relate to one another? This paper shows, first, that it is possible to have all four combinations of rising or falling inequality along with divergent or convergent panel income changes, and second, under what conditions, for various measures of rising/falling inequality and various measures of divergent/convergent income changes, each of the four possible combinations can arise.

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